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Find your dream job! Why Inkmi

The first website withDream Jobs for CTOs

Ready for your CTO dream job? Ready for your next career step? You're a CTO no longer satisfied with your current job? Or a VP of Engineering wanting to go the next step? Or a senior developer looking for your first CTO startup position? Then inkmi is for you.

I'm a CTO, VP of Engineering, engineering manager or developer. I'm looking for a CTO job.

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How Inkmi Works

At Inkmi we want every CTO to get their dream job. CTOs describe a wide variety of factors how their dream job would look like. From company size, to salary to the question if the CEO should be a techie. We feed this into companies looking for CTOs. They offer CTO jobs and Inkmi finds a match between an open CTO position and the description of a dream job by a CTO. A match!

How Inkmi Works

For #CTOs

How is Inkmi different?

  • We feed factors of CTO dream jobs back to companies
  • We push salaries to dream salaries for CTOs
  • We send few offers instead of spamming CTOs with jobs that do not fit them
  • We connect startups with up-and-coming CTOs